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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Fri, 15 Oct 2004,
   @  @      at 22:46:15 -0500, when David M. Dickerson wrote:

> Hello, Mica!


> On Wednesday, 13 October 2004, Mica Mijatovic wrote:

MM>> ...Ah, I forgot to add: between ethics and health, I always choose
MM>> health.

> Although I did not understand some parts of your post, Mica (forgive
> me), I never would try to tell another person which "flavor" of The
> Bat! she or he is ethically or legally "entitled" to use. Each of us
> is free to choose, of course, and I am just trying to make a decision
> based upon my own set of criteria.

Absolutely correct POW IMHO. If my message sounded differently then it's
not most probably written in an adequate way.

> Such a decision is a personal one.

Absolutely. The very same I tried to depict but it simply didn't work. I
accept it as my fault and my lack of eloquence.

> As I say, the people who run major shareware companies in Ukraine and
> Russia, and use the personal edition of The Bat! are good friends of
> mine, and I make no judgements. The fact that they use the personal
> edition is of no concern to me.

I see.

> Which edition *I* decide to register and use (despite personal
> difficult economic times right now) is, of course, my concern.

Well, yes, you are right.

> As we say in English, I was "thinking out loud" in my post to TBUDL
> about my personal ethics and which edition of The Bat! I should
> register.

I guess that this "thinking out loud" of yours was the reason I
misunderstood it as a wish for a communication, since this thinking
appeared on a public list. I am sincerely sorry if I did interrupt it
and bumped in just so bluntly, and since people here also have exactly
same expression, I fully understand possible effects coming from the
flexible threshold of the speech.

> Given the lack of a manual for The Bat! and the situation with user
> support, users of The Bat!, regardless of which edition they use, need
> very important resources such as TBUDL.

Yes, I agree. This is still most valuable place as to the tech support,
and definitely quite unique, since it is maintained by the users
themselves to the surprising degree, if not even in its entirety.

> I personally feel that a strong sense of us being a "community" is an
> added benefit that makes the TBUDL even more valuable, because I know
> from my own personal experience that we can enrich each other's lives
> in such on-line discussions, as well as help each other solve problems
> and learn how to use The Bat! most effectively.

I could only second this. You depicted it quite finely and with a
pleasant amount of warmth.

> (Okay, I admit that I am an idealist.) ;-)

It's quite acceptable, at least for me personally, and I appreciate any
sort of efforts.

> We certainly are in agreement about "mangy gratis parakeets," Mica,
> which I assume is your metaphor for Outlook Express.

Yes, it is, you are right.

> I am evaluating The Bat! as a replacement for Outlook XP/2002, for
> which I paid as part of Office XP Professional.


> Security obviously is a concern that all of us share.

Yes, definitely.

> (One of my peeves about most of the mail that I get from Oulook users
> is the assumption that I want all of the bloat of MS-HTML messages; I
> kind of miss the early days when my choice for an e-mail message
> editor was 'pico' or 'vi' -- text only, either way.)

I agree again. Lots of unwilling situations are often born from bad

When you mentioned pico and vi, I just wonder, but quite slightly,
unwilling to interrupt any existing harmony, have you tried perhaps Open
Office? It is an excellent and high quality Office "suite", and
additionally it's completely free.

If you'd run it under Linux, you would again be in situation to be
encircled by a natural environment of pico and vi.

> I apologize if my musings about ethics offended or upset you in any
> way, Mica.

Nonononono... (: It was completely my bad estimation coming from my
inability to understand the situation, which moved me to jump in in your
conversation with yourself. (: Absolutely there is no any element in
anything you had written which could offend anyone, including me as

> I really should have kept my musings to myself.

Ah, if the birds would announce every move they make, perhaps we would
not adore them that much. (:

> After all, TBUDL is not a discussion list about philosophy. ;-)

I am convinced that they will forgive us, the sinners we are.

You see, we yet didn't get any smelly fish. (:

> Finally, I probably should not have brought up Percy Bysshe Shelley in
> a message about moral issues. I love Shelley's poetry, but his
> personal life should probably not be a role model for anyone concerned
> about ethics. ;-)

I agree. The reverend Bookkeeper would fit in there much better.

> I'm getting *way* off topic, Mica, so I will apologize again,
> and wish you the best!

No, *I* have to apologize, since the missive of mine I am prone to
accept as the well of confusion, partly due to my deep thoughts, and
partly due to my shallow English I try to express them and offer to the
world by.

My best wishes to you. (:

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
    --- __@
   -- _-\<,_
 --- (_)/ (_)
[Earth LOG: 61 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
    with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux;
    and, for TB sometimes Libranet (Linux) 2.8.1, via Cross Over Office


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