Hello Paul,

Friday, November 5, 2004, 11:36:24 AM, you wrote:

> This seems to be a rather longwinded approach and will make my
> outgoing filters really difficult to manage.  ALso every time I add a
> folder I have to add another filter - very cumbersome.

Why do you want to store the replies with the original mails, Paul? Do
you want to track all conversation from/to certain person(s) and/or
adress book group(s)?

If yes, you can do that with a Virtual Folder (I have a couple of them
for exactly that purpose). Its only a matter of how and if you
organize your contacts into adress book groups and works like a charm.

For example, I track all correspondence with a certain AB group in a
single VF with two filter conditions:

 "AB group [xyz] contains sender"
 "AB group [xyz] contains first recipient"

If you set the VF to show its content threaded by References, its
close-to perfect for tracking conversations. :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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