ON Saturday, November 6, 2004, 12:32:18 AM, you wrote:
RO> You're right I mixed them up, as I was in favor of both of them. ;-)
RO> In this thread I meant this:

RO> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=4026


That looks more like it although, at the risk of being called a ****, I need to
say that this seems slightly more the we were discussing.

You wrote:

RO> Need an option to place a message (both replies and new messages) into the
RO> folder it originated. Preferrable an option in the account settings an option in
RO> the folder settings that can override the account setting.

I obviously agree with the reply part but having a new msg placed in the folder
that it was created will undoubtedly create the same problems as Folder
templates. Fortunately these get over ruled by address book templates but you seem
to suggest a way to stop this over ruling.

Am I correct.

Best regards,
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