Hello Mica Mijatovic & everyone else

06-Nov-2004 16:20, you wrote:

>> Actually, it would be pretty bad for a virus scanner to not recognize
>> base64 or uu-encoded inline attachments in a message(base). Most do.

> KAV couldn't, NOD-32 couldn't, PC-Sillyn couldn't, F-prot couldn't...

My mistake, somewhere in between the mails I started mixing things up. I
did not mean TB's messagebase, but a unix messagebase (plain text format),
or a .eml | .msg attachment (when exported). Those are usually covered with
the archive support of virus scanners (at least mine does it that way, I
can switch off the checking of mail archives however, for it is a lengthy
process to decode all attachments).

My virus scanner also checks TB's messagebase format (I'm using GData AVK,
it contains the KAV and the BitDefender engine) and does find messages with
malicious attachments that way - I don't know if thats a special feature of
GData's AVK or if this is part of either the KAV or BD engine.

> Try this and see yourself. Put a virus file as an attachment in a new
> message, save it in Outbox, and scan the respective TBB file/the message
> base. Will show nothing. Check directly out the attachment in TB, and AV
> will react.

I don't even get that far because the scanner catches the .tmp file with
the virus... because I haven't excluded the folder where TB puts its .tmp
files... :-}

> I have to throw some turkey slices (from my Candy freezer I bought for
> about 250 Euros, for my winter [Native] American turkeys, instead Win
> XP, after I had tried it for a month or so) on the grill now. Hungry. (:
> You are welcome to participate. (-:

Thanks for the offer *g*. That would mean travelling to Serbia if I'm not
guessing all wrong, and I fear it would be a little bit too far to arrive
in time for dinner. :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)
 using TB! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Deliplayer2 is playing: "The Last Laugh" by Mark Knopfler
     from the 2000 album 'Sailing to Philadelphia'

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