Hello Michael Rudnick,

MR> I'm having a nuisance issue with TheBat! I'm using the latest
MR> version although this problem occurred before in 2.x.

MR> Some preliminary info:
MR> - I have my files on my server. The folders 'available offline' so I
MR>   can always access them.
MR> - I made the tests below with virus scanning turned off to remove that
MR>   as a possible problem.
MR> - I turned off mail checking during the testing (at startup and after
MR>   x minutes).
MR> - I removed the spam filter (Bayes Filter) for the tests.

MR> Now the problem:

MR>   I log off, disconnect from network,

When you log off from the network (and your server) you are
disconnecting TB! from the message bases!

MR> then log and open TheBat! When I close the program, the process
MR> (in Task Manager) ends immediately upon exiting.

Normal, as the program has been disconnected from its data.

MR> I log off or restart, connect to network, and log on and open
MR> TheBat! When I close the program, the process (in Task Manager)
MR> takes over 2 minutes to end.

TB! is probably set to COMPRESS the message bases on exit.

MR> Another point: Whenever I open TheBat! (in either situation listed
MR> above) it takes about a minute for all the folders to display.
MR> During that time TheBat! process is taking most or all of the CPU
MR> resources.

You likely have a large amount of messages, which have to be
re-indexed due to the above mentioned disconnection (possibly
corruption) of the indexes.

MR> I'm wondering if there is something fundamentally wrong with the
MR> installation. Should I uninstall and reinstall the program? Is
MR> there another test I should run to figure out why this is
MR> occurring?

No, this is probably normal, but your habit of disconnecting from the
message bases will eventually cause message base corruption (or

Let TB! finish its housekeeping before disconnecting from the server
and hence the message bases.  I have seen this before on a client's

Anyone else have another explanation??

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for this time slice:
"Shareware: forget the manual...phone the author at home!"

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 X    Say NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML),
      especially the new AOL implementation!

Using TheBat! v2.11.02 hamstrung by Windows XP
Service Pack 2 on a Toshiba Satellite P25-5261 /
P4-3.2GHz with 1.5GB RAM / 160GB HDD (80GB X2)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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