Hello Raymund,

Thursday, November 25, 2004, 8:37:05 PM, you wrote:

>> I want to switch my normal user accounts (two) from admin to
>> limited, and I can't get TB to function.

> Do both use the same message base?

yes, first it was the the TB! program folder and then I moved it to the Shared 

>> Error:
>> Coult not store message C:Documents & settings\User\Local 
>> Settings\Temp\bat\1c.temp

> Hmmh. Which user? The first or the second?

The first one. Mine. The second one wasn't even active at that time.

>> Where and what do I have to change so that TB can work with the temp files 
>> again?

> You should have a look for the security settings of that folder.
> Normally the logged on user should be able to access his/her temporary
> files.

I did and I can see options for making the folder private or to make it shared. 
nothing of that is clicked. I guess it's not NTFS.

> To change the security settings, right click on the folder and click
> on security. If there is none, you don't use NTFS and I have no clue
> what's going wrong...

> TB! works here as normal user, as it always did. I only started it as
> administrator to set the path and created a dummy account for it.

> Maybe your better off if you backup and restore to the two user
> accounts.

yeah I guess that's the only thing. I think I will wait until the next official 
version of TB comes out, with the encryption and stuff, I wanted to do a fresh 
install then anyway...

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:

"She was only a telegrapher's daughter, but she did-it-ah-did-it!"

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