On Tuesday, November 30, 2004, 22:02:04, Dick H. wrote:

> That's why I stopped using a Bayes based filter. The spammers are
> getting very smart and know their ways to "cheat" these filters. I
> installed a challenge/response based spam filter and not a single spam
> mail got to my inbox  since then (and that without training it ;-) ). 

No problems with bayesian filters here - OTOH, I ignore challenges from
challenge-response systems, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
Nothing is more annoying than somebody asking you for help, and then, when
you answer him, getting "Please reply to this message to confirm" or "Click
this link". (Well, there may be another, even more annoying thing - that is
C/R systems that autosubscribe themselves to mailing lists, or C/R that
challenges every poster to a mailing list).

< Jernej Simoncic ><><><><>< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

A computer makes as many mistakes in two seconds as 20 men working 20 years.
       -- Horowitz's Rule

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