Tue, 30 Nov 2004 21:57:11 -0500 (9:57 PM EST here) Chris wrote:

> Chris @ 2003-Nov-27 10:53:46 PM "File Locations"
>> Why does The Bat! insist on putting data files in its own directory?
>> In theory, normal users should not be able to modify the contents of
>> The Bat!'s directory. Therefore, The Bat! should store its data files
>> in the user's home directory (%userprofile%\Application Data\The Bat!
>> [There is a better way to get the path of the "Application Data"
>> directory {it can be redirected}, using the API SHGetFolderPath()
>> {this may be getting to technical}]).

Actually, only too technical for us hardware old time engineers and,
more practical non-cyber techies. |grin|

> If the DEFAULT location for The Bat!'s files became
> CSIDL_APPDATA\Rit Labs\The Bat!\ or some variant thereof, these
> problems would be solved. Axillary files, like BayseIt files and the
> custom dictionary would need to be moved there also.

> For those of us who want to have control over where our data files
> are stored, those options would still remain.

Is this procedure correct?

   1. Spelling. Keep each email account's home directory in a user
      controlled folder structure.

        TheBat! +> Account +> Files & directories

              Home Directory {Browse]


      (If not, how do you redirect TheBat! to the TheBat"s
      applications data?)

   2. BayesIt. The BayesIt files and data can be put in any user
      controlled directory created for the purpose. Just tell TheBat!
      where you put BayesIt, by "install" BayesIT in a user controlled
      folder) via 

        TheBat! +> Options +> Preferences

                Protection +> Anti-spam

     (If not how?)

Using: The Bat! v2.12.00, BayesIt! 0.5.9,
       MyMacros 1.11, gMacrosPlugin 0.80
       Windows XP v5.1 - Build 2600 - Service Pack 2


Daniel A. Grunberg       Kensington, Maryland, USA
homepage: www.nyx.net/~dgrunber/

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