On Thu 27-Jan-05 5:09pm -0600, Jeanny House wrote:

> Thursday, January 27, 2005, 3:47:10 PM, Tony Boom wrote:
JH>>> How do I make it so that just messages from her to me are
JH>>> filtered into her folder?
Tony>>  Send your filter to this list with her
Tony>> name, your name, as they appear in
Tony>>  the to and from feilds and the folder
Tony>> you want them to go to and it should
Tony>>  be easier for someone on here to work out for you,
> BeginFilter
> Name: Michelle
> Active: 1
> Source: \\NWA Mail\Inbox
> Target: \\NWA Mail\Inbox\Michelle
> Filtering Strings:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Sender  | Yes
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Recipient| Yes

Sorry, Jeanny, your filter won't work.

Try this:

    Header field From contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    AND Header field To contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    AND Header field From does not match [,;]
    AND Header field To does not match [,;]
    AND Header does not match ^cc:

Note, in case you're not familiar with RegEx, the [,;]
pattern looks for any comma or semi colon in the field.
This FS won't work if you or your assistant have those
characters in their names.  The last condition rejects
when any header line starts with cc: (case doesn't
matter in the current release).

Best regards,

Beta Pro  BayesIt! 0.8.0 Release  X-Ray  XMP 0.9.6  XP Pro SP2 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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