Hello Mary,

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

MB> And very well said. My .02 worth is to agree with all your points one
MB> hundred per cent!

and I'll just add a very strong "me to" here but it would have to be an

MB> I think that the Smiley capability (also optional of course) is very
MB> good for The Bat! also. And I enjoy them. But I am trying to enjoy
MB> them in moderation.

I agree Mary, Smilies are great and it's nice to see a smiling face
after a message to take the sting off :-) However, as you said, enjoy
them in moderation!

<Off topic> It's a lovely day here, a bit chilly at the momnent, but I'm
off to rake up the last two of the ten beds in the garden. I tend to
take about two hours for each one as there are a lot of stones and I
want to do it well. </off topic>.


| The Bat! & SpamPal
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| Opera 8.00 build 7401

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