Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 1:36:36 PM, MFPA wrote:

M> After re-installing TB!, as long as I do not re-create the account
M> I put into a group I am not locked out of the other accounts. As
M> soon as I do, I have to enter a username to get into TB! and can
M> only access that one account. This happens even if I move the
M> folder for that account out of my mail folder and generate a new
M> account with the same name.

I created the group so long ago I don't even remember how I did it.  The
group name is not the same as any of the accounts.  If I want to access
a single account I just specify the account name (as shown in the folder
tree) as the login and it works fine.

As for where the file is stored, I noted a file called groups.cfg in the
Mail directory.  It is binary, however, so I have no idea if this is
what causes all the trouble.  I *can* tell you it seems to be updated
every time I shut down TB!

New Zealand / Aotearoa

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