Hello Alexander, 

On 12 May 2005, 16:32 you wrote:

>> I've installed it but it hasn't indexed TB! at all. The plug-in is listed
>> under Google Desktop preferences; should it be listed as a TB! plug-in?
>> If so, how do I do this since it comes with a DLL and not a TBP file?

> You have to use the cmdline function described in the thread on Google,
> regsvr32 /s GoogleDesktopCantRemember.dll - make sure that TB is NOT
> running when you do this. When you're done and you restart TB the plugin
> will be automatically added (at least thats how it was here - how this
> works I don't know, but it works).

> Can't say anything about Pro with OTFE I'm using the Home version of TB.

I tried this but no joy. Thanks anyway.

As ever,
  .\\artin | ICQ 15893823

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hopeless about them." CLAIRE BOOTH LUCE

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