Tuesday, June 21, 2005, 10:13:20 PM, Allie wrote:

>> When logging on as a TB! group, accounts which are in the group but
>> not in registry under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\Users
>> Depot" are removed from the group. This is a permanent removal.

AM> By 'permanent removal', do you mean that the account files themselves
AM> were deleted as well? I'd be surprised if they were. I don't have a
AM> spare machine, so I can only help you clarify what you're reporting.

By permanent removal, I mean that the group is permanently rid of the
email account.  The account itself always remains - just not as part of
the group.

>> Adding a new account creates a new entry in the registry, but only for
>> the current Windows user.

AM> Yes. This is expected behaviour since each logged in Windows user has a
AM> different registry key. If you wish for the changes to be the same for
AM> all Windows users, you'll have to keep copying the registry keys across
AM> when you make changes like adding a new account.

Yes, well I thought of that, but can you explain why some accounts which
are present in both users' registry have different numbers???

Given that TB! is clearly a multi-user application, wouldn't it be a
good idea for them to support Windows' capability?

Personally, I've never understood the fascination Windows software has
with the Registry.  What on earth is wrong with properties files?  If
you give the user a choice where to store them, then proper backups are
a breeze and multi-user setups are simple.

New Zealand / Aotearoa

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