Hash: RIPEMD160

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Fri, 24 Jun 2005,
   @  @      at 09:12:33 +0700, when Thomas Fernandez wrote:

> Mica Mijatovic wrote:

MM>> I hope I have now clarified the last particle of any confusion.

> I'm sorry, I haven't been able to understand your sentences. Kindly
> write it again in English.

Pardon my Chinese, I'll try with less challeng{ing|ed?} English this
time. (-:

> Example:

MM>> "missive" or even "e{p|-gr|-wh}istle") in the "Edit Mail Message"
MM>> win{d|bl}ow.

> My brain just doesn't work like a computer, it needs human syntax for
> communication. Thanks for your kind understanding.

Mine doesn't work this way either. (-: I am sorry if my message was hard
to read for you, I simply wanted to give more informations using less

Here down is a simpler version with less information, less nibbles
although hence less fun too... )-: ("All work and no play make Chris a
dull boy/girl...")

You wrote to MFPA...

> Mica already clarified this: "save" means "queue in Outbox". A
> misnomer, I'd say.

...and then I'm replying with...

Actually I didn't clarify this. I was dealing then just with "Queue in
Outbox" [Shift+F2] and "Save Draft" [Alt+F2], while the "Save" [Ctrl+S]
function is the "classic" one related to any program when
"saves/records" an edited `document' to disk.

The list of these "features" is also visible in the drop-down menu
"Message" [Alt+M], in the "Edit Mail Message" window, so the difference
is easier to notice.

And am adding now... There are four (4) ways of saving on disposal
visible in this menu:

Queue in Outbox - saves a message in Outbox (ready for sending)
Save            - saves the work to disk (in the message base)
Save As...      - saves the message as a (separate, individual) file to disk
Save Draft      - saves the message in Outbox and parks it (not ready
                  for sending)


NB (again though; I always have some (-: ): I suggest replacement of the
"queue" with another "save" for the sake (not the Jap... oops! (-: ) of
consistency, and better/easier understanding of the listed "save"
functions. This inconsistency might confuse some users (while a "save"
obviously implies that a message will be saved with its given time
stamp, which defines its sequence/"queue" in Outbox.)

- --
PGP keys nestled at: http://bardo.port5.com/pgpkeys/
[Earth LOG: 296 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OSs: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
     with nestled ZipSlack(tm) Linux 9.1, and, for TB sometimes,
     Gentoo and Vector Linuxes via Wine...
 ~~~ For PM please use my full address as it is *exactly* given in my
                     "From|Reply To" field(s). ~~~


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