On Tuesday, August 09, 2005 at 1:50:19 PM [GMT -0500], Richard Wakeford

> Just read your message you wrote using the plain text message editor
> and, despite you having your normal setting of 78 characters per line,
> the message arrived here with text wrapping set to fill the window so,
> if I expand this particular message of yours to full screen, the
> sentences re format to fill the screen and not a sign of 78 characters
> anywhere. I wonder if that's just me and my main settings or has
> someone else noticed the same behaviour with this editor? In fact,
> going back to Jurgen's messages and adjusting the window size, the
> same thing happens.

MicroEd, TB!'s original editor, truly wraps while editing. You can
confirm this by copying some of the text you're typing in MicroEd and
pasting it in NotePad. Switch off wrapping in NotePad and the text
remains wrapped.

OTOH, the Plain Text/Windows editor soft-wraps while editing in that the
wrapping is just visual, but not actually part of the true formatting of
the text. The true format is a single long line of text. To see this,
type several lines of text in the Plain Text/Windows editor, then
copy/paste it in NotePad. Disable wrapping in NotePad. You should see a
single long line of text.

TB!, unlike OE, Outlook, Eudora and the others, does not have a wrap on
send engine. It never needed one because of MicroEd. It never got one
with the introduction of these other editors.

So now, there is this long ongoing discussion about:

- the lack of wrapping on sending which is required for these editors
with more standard behaviour while editing. BTW, typical editors behave
in the same way. If you type some text in notepad and enable wrapping,
the text isn't truly being wrapped. It's just something visual. Copy the
text to another editor and disabling wrapping will show a single line of

- looks like the soft-wrapping engine for the plain text editor behaves
strangely, with the wrapping points sometimes cutting words into pieces.
Not to worry about it though since it's not in the actual formatting of
the message on sending.

I use only MicroEd, since I wish to see the format of what I'm actually
sending when finished.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.51.10
System Specs: http://specs.aimlink.name
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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