Hello Thomas,

On Sunday, August 14, 2005, you wrote:
ND>> Does anyone know what these are, or why I've got them?

TF> I have account.m_d files. One for each account; IIRC these are the
TF> UIDs of the message deleted from server without downloading. I will
TF> assume that your system is set up differently from mine - I don't know
TF> what would add the "_device" into the file name.

TF> Questions for clarification:

Oops, that wasn't a very clear post from me...

TF> 1.) Do you use POP or IMAP?


TF> 2.) Do you use OTFE?

If that's on the fly encryption, then no.

TF> 3.) In which directory are these files?

In the accounts' root folder, under ACCOUNT.cfg etc.

I see these files:
   ACCOUNT_device 1.LOG
   ACCOUNT_device 1.M_D
   ACCOUNT_device 1.M_R
   ACCOUNT_device 2.M_D
   ACCOUNT_device 2.M_R
   ACCOUNT_device 3.M_D
   ACCOUNT_device 2.M_R
   <this goes as high as 5 in one account>

In the Inbox sub-folder I have:
   MESSAGES_device 1.TBB
   MESSAGES_device 1.TBI

Other points to note:
  AV =       AVG plugin
  Spam =     K9
  Firewall = Windows built-in (It's OK I'm behind a *real* one)

  I use a mix of plain and authenticated POP and SMPTP but this seems
  to affect all directories the same.


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