Hello Fredrik Bergström & everyone else,

on 21-Sep-2005 at 18:20 you (Fredrik Bergström) wrote:

>   How do everybody else look at the mails in their Inbox?

Mails seldomly reside in the inbox. Most are filtered right away,
Mailinglists etc. - the private conversation is filtered with a "known"
filter into a "friends & family" folder (I'm using TB only privately),
subfolders of this folder are virtual folders for the contacts whom I
exchange mails with. The VF's contain messages both from and to that
person and use threaded views.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

Contrary to popular belief, history is quite worthless as a guidebook for
humanity. It represents only the 'important pieces' of whatever has passed
before, but with all of our inexperience and unanswered questions, how are
we to judge what is really 'important' over simple trivia? -- Todd H.

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