G'day Jack,

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 5:49:37 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Bob,

> Saturday, November 5, 2005, 12:22:30 AM, you wrote:

> Well, I set K9's limit to 10,000KB (which should be 10megs) and ticked
> the box. I then sent myself the same 6meg message I've been playing
> with from my wife's side of the computer using TB. It took almost 10
> minutes to send but it went. I then fetched it using Outlook Express
> (sorry) because I've been using that program to test all this and it's
> configured to leave messages on the server. Outlook express (which is
> not using K9 or any other spam filter) was able to fetch it with no
> trouble.

Jack I think you are missing the point here.  The aim here is to
_STOP_ K9 checking very large messages as the foul-up apparently
occurs when K9 is trying to scan a very large message and the download
process times out before the message is fully downloaded.  What you
need to do is to set a limit large enough so that all your "normal"
sized mail (including Spam) is checked, but very large messages, like
the one you are having problems with) go straight through without
checking.  My K9 checks everything up to 200 KB but allows larger
messages through without checking.  So far I haven't had any Spam over
the 200 KB limit and the few very large messages that I get are
received without problems.

> I then switched back to TB and tried to fetch it. Nothing came in and
> my connection timed out. More than willing to give TB another chance,
> I told TB to try fetching again. This time it did fetch the whole
> message including the large attachments. I hate intermittent problems.

I am pretty sure that the problem is actually K9 and not The Bat!  I
certainly wouldn't dump K9 because of it though - the correct use of
the exclude setting works fine.  I am currently running at 99.82%
accuracy, no messages falsely tagged as Spam, and the rare Spam that
slips through is usually written in such a way as to look non-spammy.
Tell K9 once that it got it wrong and it is very rare for it to repeat
the mistake.

Using The Bat! v3.62.09 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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