Hello Alexander,

Wednesday, November 9, 2005, 10:34:23 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Jurgen Haug & everyone else,

> on 09-Nov-2005 at 21:55 you (Jurgen Haug) wrote:


> The problem may be the %ACCOUNT macro. If you switch the account, the new
> template of that account may be used used (as long as you haven't made any
> manual changes to the message yet). Try to remove it and see what happens.

okay. I tried to play with it a bit.

If I do the 'send by email' in the browser, a requester from TB! pops up asking 
me which account to use.
If I use my main account 'Jurgen' and try to send the mail to my girlfriend, 
then it works (that was the macro I posted).
When I do the same but choose the account 'MailingLists' for instance, and then 
still try to send it to my girlfriend, THEN the url disappears. So yes, you are 
right it is the account-switching. 

If I would remove that, then the mail would work, but it would be send from the 
MailingLIsts acount, which I don't want. Is that a 'feature' of TB to work that 
way (meaning I have to accept that) or can something be done with the macro?

here again the macro:

Hallo Carinne


Bis bald,

He is deleting the content, because I am telling in this macro to write 
something into the body, right? With the text and the %cursor, maybe, too?
IS there like a macro or a function that would ADD instead of REPLACE, or the 

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:


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