Hello everyone,

 I'm on TB 3.62.14 (very experienced for 5 years now, so not a newbie)
 but some of my folders keep mysterioiusly sorting by the name. Now
 from time to time I will click on one of the labels and sort the
 folder however, but it never STAYS that way. I have not done any
 setting that I can think of to make it stay that way. But for
 instance, last week, in inbox, it kept sorting alphabetical by
 sender. I would click in the folder, resort so the most recent was at
 the top, then I would click in another folder, go back to INBOX and
 the darn thing was resorted back by sender. For some reason its not
 doing it right now on that folder, but other folders are behaving
 that way and I'm not sure how to fix it. (or what caused it)

 Any ideas?


Best regards,
Laura                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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