Hello Jeff,

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 11:15:20 AM, you wrote:

> Probably way OT for this group but it seems to me that we need an
> address book standard so that any address book app can use it. That
> would enable users to have one central address book for use by any
> program.

> Now, who can put a standard together and 'sell' it to the industry?

In some respects a standard already exists, in that PDAs, mobile phones,
Word, Wordperfect, and a whole range of PIM software all use or/and sync
with the Outlook address book, not just import the Outlook addresses
but keep them in sync.

Over the years I have used Outlook as a conduit to many programs and
PDAs/mobile phones, and a personal solution for me would be able to
sync The Bat! address book with Outlook.

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