Hello Miroslav,

Sunday, January 22, 2006, 6:54:21 AM, you wrote:

Miroslav> Hello Robert,
>> I use to use the MIT freeware PGP 8.0 But I am having trouble finding
>> it and the bat doesn't support PGP 9.0, not that I want to buy another
>> piece of software.

Miroslav> http://ftp.muw.edu/Security/PGP/PGP802-PF-W.zip


YES I am having the same problem ever since MIT dropped Their site for
the SOFTWARE they developed and PGP took over I can't find the Legacy
8.0 version. PGP Corp. has a link that sayes if you want 8.0 click
here and then they try to sell you 9.0 and there is no link any where
on their site for 8.0.....CAPATILIZIM at work....OR greed. What these
companies don't realize is that other SW venders are not up to speed
with converting their software to the latest and sometime not greatest
UPGRADES....9.0 offers full disk encryption which I don not want. I
had 8.0 until HP support IN INDIA told me to do something to fix my
computer and crashed my whole system. I had to do a destructive reboot
which wiped out all my  previous software...and the Irony is I was in
the middle of a backup to save my system files including all installed
SW when these IDIOTS who stole our JOBS screwed me and crashed my
system. Talk about pissed....I know some one at HP and I told him my
story so now I got a number so I don't have to deal with Incompetent
INDIANS who you can't even understand. I get so Pissed that our jobs
go oversees and we get substandard support. I refuse to speak to INDIA
ever again. An the women who crashed my system when she realized what
she did she HUNG up on me. Believe that....

Thanks for the reply..

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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