>> I've been running the now antique v.1.62r and am about to upgrade to the
>> newest v.3.n. But there is a complication. For various reasons, v.1.62r
>> is installed on my D: drive, where it lives happily with all it's data.
>> ...

> A pain-free way, as to (de)installation itself, would be something like
> this...

> Copy your mail databases (usually the folder "Mail") somewhere on D:
> drive.

> Deinstall the old TB.

> Install the new TB (and tell it where the mail database is).

> The rest of the happenings is not necessarily pain-free though, ...

Thank you, Mica, for your thoughts. The upgrade to 3.x along with the
change to drive C: went quite smoothly with respect to the program installation
and the program finding the .TBB files. All is running smoothly, but you
were right... I'm having to do some of the configuration and filter set
up manually.

With regard to the new filtering setup, I see in the help file a
reference to "Advanced filtering conditions". But I do not see them
anywhere in the sorting office.

Also, I make considerable use of regex in filters, but I have not been
able to get them to work in the new filtering setup. In version 1.x
there was a checkbox for regex, but I don't find one in 3.x (unless it
is in the "Advanced filtering conditions" which I can't find.

If anyone would care to contribute a pointer on these to issues it would
be much appreciated.


Dave Goodman
The Bat! v.3.71.03
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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