Hash: RIPEMD160

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 7 Mar 2006,
   @  @      at 15:40:37 +0100, when Peter Fjelsten wrote:

> Mica,

> On 07-03-2006 15:12, you [MM] wrote in
MM>> I am in addition immensely enchanted that all the more are the
MM>> requests, and even given ear to, of a type "like in MS Outlook"
MM>> regarding TB development. It opens a new vision of another copy of
MM>> Elvis happily murmuring in a subtle shiver "Mail me tender, mail me
MM>> sweet...", leaving the building of the former TB's integrity and
MM>> originality.


> Hmm. What the wish is for is an _additional_ way of doing it, an a
> pretty good one at it, too. Not _everything_ MS does is bad, they do
> have a fairly large usability department.

Following the own path of evolution, one has opportunity to evolve up to
his maximum and in a most splendid way.

Leaving this path though, and trying to execute actions which correspond
to other and different paths of evolution makes one's evolution
impossible and brings into confusion, as to the sense/purpose of this
path, and even identity itself.

It is like a duck wanting to be a piglet, or a lion wanting to be an
opossum. The intrinsic Secret Power is hidden inside their _own_
identity, not in faked identity of others. Wishing something like that
the duck and lion become powerless and lost.

Or to put it this way: If Sharon Stone would like to have legs of Grace
Jones and Grace Jones would love to have tits or face of Sharon Stone,
to increase their personal "popularity", then it would look a bit
strange, eh? (Although they could run/trot their careers as comediennes.
Or as boogie women.)

Or, when you would divorce woman #1 and then marry woman #2, and then
expect of woman #2 to behave, or look, in some very specific ways of
woman #1. It doesn't go, and such things finish with a built in some
piece of crockery into your head or similar. The ways woman #1 makes you
happy can bring you something totally else with woman #2.

Be what you are, is the "moral" here. Don't even _try_ to be someone
else, regardless any possible promise of a real or imaginary
"reward".[1] Otherwise you will just lose your Secret Power, and what
are you then?

Those are some basic principles of the Yoga of Identity.


[1] You think that people imitate Gates because he is so ingenious
programmer? Hee, hee, hee... [with inlaughteration of Eddie Murphy] They
want to be _rich_ as Sir Bill. Hee...etc. "Imitate successful ones and
you'll become successful".

Once they've been making the nice brazen steady spittoons; today though,
when you need some, none you can see around. (: Phew... [thud]

(If I were programmer for instance, and would like besides to be crazily
rich as well, I would do this programming of course, but would also buy
for less to sell for more, whatever: watermelons, aspic, second c...hand
condoms, super-glue... This way I would quickly become a King of
Condoms, or of something else, having my power of programming intacta.)

- --
PGP keys nestled at: http://blueness.port5.com/pgpkeys/
[Earth LOG: 552 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OSs: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
     Windows XP(ee) Micro Lite Professional 1.6, and, for TB sometimes,
     Gentoo and Vector Linuxes via Wine...
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
                 in my "From|Reply To" field(s). ~~~


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