Hello vitalie,

Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 6:10:21 PM, you wrote:

>> But I still don't know if memorysticks are designed for so much rewriting...

vv> it's more probably that the stick will rather get stolen, broken, or
vv> gave as a present, than it'll roun outta cycles.

vv> had a whole bunch of them in the past and only one of them ended up like
vv> that; all of the rest were broken/lost/gifted.

Didn't have a whole bunch yet. 'till now I've had 4.
2 stopped working
1 got lost (I can't find it, that is, but it must be here in the office)
1 is still working (the one I thought would be the first to "die" because it
looks more like a gadget: it's part of a ballpoint).

I'll buy me another one and try to install Voyager. But I'll have to take the
time to read how to install it (can I "copy all the settings of my regular
version?) and think about a "strategy" for using it.

BTW: Does it still write to the registry? If I use the stick on someone else's
     PC, will it leave any traces there (temp files -registry)?

Best Wishes,
using The Bat! 3.72.04 (Beta)

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