Hello Arjun Sahani & everyone else,

on 20-Apr-2006 at 23:50 you (Arjun Sahani) wrote:

>>First, check Options / Preferences / Protection / Anti-Spam if you are
>>using any anti-spam plugin.

> I thought the same too. I was using BayesFilter and removed it but no 
> chance.

So, that preferences option is entirely empty?

>  I tried playing with the X-Mailer field but did not work.

Ah. You mean the subject line is included in messages SENT by you? In
that case, it can't be any antispam plugin, because it is only used on
message you are receiving. Its not used for outgoing messages.

Check your "Sent Mail" folder. If the subject line is not there, its not

If any remote system is classifying your mails as spam and it only
happens when you're using TheBat, the X-Mailer header is the only known
culprit, in that case it should be disabled.

If it happens even when the X-Mailer header is disabled, its something
else on the way from your end to the remote end. Maybe you're relaying
your mails over a blacklisted gateway, or something.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

NP: "It Just Takes Time" by Magic Mushroom Band
    (from the 1997 album "The Spaced Collection")

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