Hi Thomas,

on Sun, 14 May 2006 14:02:59 +0700GMT (14.05.2006, 09:02 +0200GMT here),
you wrote:

TF> I also have two partitions on Disk 0 that show "Healthy (Unknown
TF> partition)". One is 502MB, the other a whopping 11.83GB, both of them
TF> 100% free. What are these partitions? Right-clicking on them allows me
TF> to "delete logical drive". Do I want to do that to have access to the
TF> space the space?

They may be partitions created by Linux with a non-Windows file
system. Did you at any time install Linux on that HD? If you don't
need them for Linux and you are happy with their sizes, just format
them to a file system readable by Windows (FAT32 or, better, NTFS).
Otherwise delete the logical drives and create new ones of the size
that you want and then format them.


If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?

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