On Wed 23-Aug-06 3:43pm -0600, Dave Goodman wrote:

>> I've been trying Antispamsniper and it seems to miss about half the
>> spam.  I have it set to mark as spam if it has a score of 60.  Should
>> I be setting this much lower?  I'm not getting many false positives
>> but it is missing a lot.
> FWIW, I installed Antispamsniper earlier this month. As of right now,
> with 1520 messages received, the error rate is 0.72%. I'm also using >60
> as the spam score.

Is that with the commercial or free version?

Best regards,
TB! Pro :beta: 3.81.15 Beta  BayesIt! 0.8.4  X-Ray  XP Pro SP2  POP3

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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