> The solution is the same in both cases.
> Start the mail dispatcher (Account - Dispatch mail on server - New
> messages only) Check whether the first message is likely to be very
> important to you, if not select it to be deleted and quit the mail
> dispatcher. If the first new message seems to be very unlikely to be a
> problem, then you've got to check the messages further on in the line,
> but your setup makes it very likely that the culprit is the first new
> message. If your ISP offers a webmail interface then you can use that
> too, when you prefer that over the mail dispatcher.
> Now you should be able to download your mail again.

I tried to run dispatcher and it said it was doing it (retrieiving
headers) and then just quit (after about 35 of 500).  So, nothing was

Here is the other strange thing.  I have TB on my other computer as
well retrieivng messages from the same account (also leaving messages
on the server for 7 days).  On that computer the messages are being
retrieved normally?

The only real difference in the two computers is that on my notebook
-- the one with the problem -- I am running the free version of
AntiSpamSniper.  On my desktop (the one without the problem) I am
trying out the 30 day trial of the full version of AntiSpamSniper.
Could that have anything to do with this?

Best regards,
 Kitty                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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