Hash: TIGER192

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sun, 24 Sep 2006,
   @  @      at 10:08:12 -0700, when Mary Jensen wrote:

> Any idea other than checking the maintenance log (I already did that)
> on how to figure out which of my 700+ folders is the problem or how to
> fix the problem?

How to fix the problem is what I choose, this time.

Do it (the backup) using some other, separate, program. It is simplest,
fastest and safest way (particularly if we deal with lots of folders; I
have near to 400 of them).

You can simply compress/archive the whole your \Mail folder (using
WinZip or any other archiving program - PowerArchiver 2001 is free for
instance and very good, writing and reading numerous archive formats),
or you can use a standalone backup program as My Own Backup v2.1 is,
also freeware.

They all "will write" always, no matter what happens with TBat,
internally, and will always be able to expand back the backup they make.

Besides, there are even more good reasons why to do that this way, but
basically they all could be reduced to the one: TB is a mailer, but is
not a backup machine, or encrypting software and so on.

The more "side" functions is built-in in a software with the basic
designated function, the more chances are that they will get in
collision, or "confused" one by another.

This way of backing up using standalone backup programs is even more
significant if we deal with lots of mail and besides a such one we
consider as valuable (be that some work and some "official"
documentation, or something else).


And, for the end, let me quote the famous and unfathomable Hammer Von
Troll: "It's not that sad when backup cannot write as it is when backup
cannot read."

- --
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
     in my "From" field, otherwise it will not reach me. ~~~
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[Earth LOG: 670 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
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