Hello Granville Cousins & everyone else,

on 28-Sep-2006 at 15:41 you (Granville Cousins) wrote:

> Where can I find this configuration in The Bat! filters section? I have
> looked in there and cannot see any place where I can request The Bat! 
> to filter my email using the header classification. I am running The 
> Bat! version 1.6r.

Marten is using version 3 of TheBat, you're still using v1. Things are
very different in the sorting office in the meantime.

If I remember correctly, you have to create a filter with a regular
expression test in v1. I hope someone can help you, I sure know it *IS*
possible to filter for headers in v1, I did that myself, but v1 really
was years ago...

Maybe you should update, anyway. The update is not very expensive and
you get many new and nice functions. Virtual folders, plugins, common
filters, the all new and much more comprehensible sorting office...

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it." -Aristotle

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