Hash: SHA256

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sun, 22 Oct 2006,
   @  @      at 19:55:06 +0500, when Richard H. Stoddard wrote:

> I thought about switching to TB! Pro for the "EOTF", but decided not
> to.

I thought of it too, some...670 days ago, it seemed pretty alluring, at
first sight, but after had examined the thing more closely I had changed
my mind.

> I just installed TrueCrypt, and may move mail files to an encrypted
> drive there. Of course, that would require starting it up first, but I
> could probably remember that after a few false starts.

Oh, you will. (-: Besides, it's easier, and safer, if you put into an
encrypted container both the Mail and TheBat folder (if you are only
user of the Bat/machine), since this way if someone "unauthorized"
triggers the shortcut (if s/he finds it in Start Menu), tBat will not

Easiest way to do so is to simply mount this container/"volume" and then
to install TBat there (and perhaps some other programs you wouldn't want
others to tinker with).

> Thanks again for all of your help. I think I'm getting GnuPG to the
> point that I can safely uninstall PGP.

You're welcome, this is the place for it, and I am besides right now
preparing quite similar www "tutorials" for my correspondents/friends,
so they can manage when I am not "accessible".

When you uninstall PGP, look after PGP*.* files in your OS|System
folders, since all the chances are that they will not be deleted during
the process. Also check the Registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PGP)
since PGP likes to leave its...PGPberries all around. This should be
deleted too.

After that, you'll notice that OS runs a bit faster and livelier.


With PGP you may notice that when you mount your "encrypted volumes",
their paths will be recorded in index.dat files in Content.IE5 folders.
Etc. With True Crypt it will not be the merry case.

- --
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
     in my "From" field, otherwise it will not reach me. ~~~
GPG keys/docs/software at: http://blueness.port5.com/pgpkeys/
[Earth LOG: 670 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OSs: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
     Windows XP(ee) Micro Lite Professional 1.6, Gentoo & Vector ~ Wine
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6-svn-4298 <>o<> tiger192 (Cygwin/MinGW32)


Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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