On Wed 6-Dec-06 5:12pm -0600, Robert Bull wrote:

> This is my first post here using TB itself, so please bear with me.
> I was a "point" on Fidonet for over ten years, using the mighty GoldED
> message editor (I'm one of the few - the proud - the REGISTERED).
> GoldED has a basic text editor built-in, rather like TB's. But it also
> allowed you to define your own text editor, run as a child process,
> feeding the editor with the properly-quoted and reflowed message. I
> dislike Windows-style editors. Having "grown up" with DOS, I prefer
> WordStar-style. Does TB have any way of defining an external text
> editor, so I can continue using my favourite one?
> I have on occasion copied a message via the clipboard and edited it
> outside TB, before returning the modified text the same way. I tended
> to get "shark's teeth" formatting, whether I used straight paste or
> paste formatted. What should I look out for here, please?

When I want to view a long email or program snippet from my
editor, I use a Hot Key to Run External Program.  I have it
run my editor on the file "%1" and call a macro to strip the
headers and everything at or below the "cut mark."  (If I
need any of that, I can get it back with an undo.)

I use PowerPro to copy the text of a reply to the clipboard
and start my edit with a command to paste the clipboard.  I
also have a simple macro in the editor to finish up by
copying the contents of its buffer to the clipboard and
close down discarding the file being edited.  All I have to
do is bring focus back to the TB! replay (which is still
highlighted) and press Ctrl-v and sent it.

Best regards,
TB! Pro :beta: 3.86.8 ALPHA (beta)  BayesIt! 0.8.4  X-Ray  XP Pro SP2  

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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