On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 at 15:40:39 +1100, Tom wrote:
> Sorry, I am trying to follow this thread but still have some problems.
> Is the "culprit" the field for X-Mailer? What is the connection to
> User-Agent? Do I have to use one or the other or both?
> I followed the instructions and added the field for user-agent and now
> my header (on one account) does show as agent "whatever" but the
> x-mailer is still shown as the Bat. I thought the bad spam programs
> were looking for this as a criteria? Do I have to delete the field for
> X-Mailer or replace it with something else?
> Sorry, this is probably very basic for everyone but me :(

User-Agent and X-Mailer are both header fields that can identify the
email client you are using. Unfortunately you cannot change X-Mailer
from within TB!. However, you can disable it by turning off the tick
box at:
  Options -> Preferences -> General -> Use X-Mailer header in messages

You don't need to set User-Agent for this. However, if you still want
to identify you email client, you can do so using the User-Agent


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