Sunday, October 22, 2006, 9:01:50 PM, you wrote:

> In New Message you put
> %ACCOUNT="GS1"Hello %tofname,

> [where 'GS1' would be your first active account]
> etc etc

I love this list and the many handy tips on how to make use of TB.
Just followed through with this one and it works great.
One question though: if you sent an email to a group of contacts and
they have different accounts allocated (like 3 recipients with GS1 and
2 with GS2 etc), which account will be taken.
I just sent a "merry christmas" email and was surprised that the
account chosen was not the one I had used from the drop down menu.
Then I realised that it must have been due to my earlier set-up in the
address book. It's no big deal but just would like to know how it
operates for future use.
In my case the account chosen was the one of the first recipient in
the list (and ignoring every other set-up) - would that be always the case?

using TheBat! 3.95.1 on XP

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