
On Thursday 28 December 2006 at 12:06:08 AM, in
<mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Roelof Otten wrote:

M>> Even if the "mass mailing" feature is used?

> That's an odd question, you're asking something completely
> without any context. ;-)

Oops. I trimmed too much (-:

> When you're addressing multiple addressees then the AB template
> for the first addressee is used, therefore logic dictates that
> the account associated with the first addressee is used for all
> addressees.

Got that bit.

> Now you're asking me about TB's behaviour with a mass mailing.
> When you're doing a mass mailing, you're using a QT for mass
> mailing, therefore associations that are defined in AB templates
> are ignored, just like the rest of those AB templates.

That didn't occur to me.

> So your answer is 'No. When the mass mailing feature is used, TB
> uses the account that has been focused in the account tree pane.
> At least that is what I expect, it is possible that TB uses the
> default account for mailto's when doing a mass mailing, but it's
> one of the two.

Presumably it would be prudent to specify.

> If you really want to be able to decide what account to use in a
> mass mailing then you need to store that info in an AB field.
> Let's store the associated account in the Pager field on the
> Business tab of the AB. In that case you use this macro in your
> QT: %Account="%ABToBusPager='MFPA'"%- This uses the account
> stored in the business pager field and if there's nothing there
> it uses the MFPA account.

Excellent - exactly what I was trying to ask.

> I hope this is the answer you were looking for, otherwise you
> need to be somewhat more specific.

Thanks, Roelof.

Best regards,

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