On Friday, December 22, 2006, 16:12:28, Tony wrote:

> On Win 2000 I could run almost all 16-bit apps.
> When I switched to Win XP many of the apps didn't work anymore.

All 16bit programs I tried worked just fine on Windows 2003 (slightly newer
kernel than XP), I never had any problems (I was playing with old shareware
CD I found somewhere). I did have to set a few programs to run in "Windows
95" compatibility mode, but that's all.

> OTOH a software company should be very aware of the MS/Intel/AMD marketing.
> Very soon the masses will consider everything without a Vista label unsafe.

I seriously doubt that - according to market research, not more than 5% are
planning to downgrade to Vista next year - Vista's hardware requirements are
too high (not to mention it's DRM - see eg.
<http://p2pnet.net/story/10823> ).

> And everything that isn't 64-bit half the speed of 32-bit apps.

Uhh, what? Benchmarks show 5-15% speed increase when going from 32->64bit on
the same hardware.

> Not because it's true, but because of the marketing of especially Intel and 
> MS.

Intel? Intel was hiding that it's CPUs supported long mode for a long long

< Jernej Simonèiè ><><><><>< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

Anyone who is popular is bound to be disliked.
       -- Law of Friendship

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