Hallo Costas,

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 12:51:23 +0200GMT (26-12-2006, 11:51 , where I
live), you wrote:

CP> By  the  way,  with the other duplicate email addresses, the nicknames
CP> appear  inconsistently  in  the email messages, that is for some group
CP> members  the  nickname  is  the  correct one for the group whereas for
CP> others  the email recipient's nickname in the email that I send is the
CP> one  belonging  to the email address, but in another group of the same
CP> addressbook.  To illustrate, if I have Group A and Group B in the same
CP> addressbook,  and  nickname1  and nickname2 for the same email address
CP> respectively,  then  an email may be sent to Group A showing nickname2
CP> instead  of  nickname1.  However,  this irregularity may not arise for
CP> other people in the groups. As I couldn't find any pattern for this, I
CP> gave up trying to fix it some time ago.

The pattern might be that the nickname to be used is the nickname that
belongs to the oldest entry.
The solution might be to skip the duplicate entries (you can add the
same entry to multiple groups) and use separate AB fields for the
nicknames for the different groups.
And then you use %ABToHandle for your templates regarding group1 and
%ABToFirstName for your group2 templates.
This makes it easier to mutate changing addresses. In stead of finding
out how many entries you've got with a changed address and then change
them all now you've only got one to change.

Groetjes, Roelof

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