rg>> How about a networked mail folder and two BATs that both reference
rg>> that same database? If one machine is a laptop you would need to
rg>> start your VPN and map that drive letter before opening up TB!

AS> I have found that Windows VPN is very slow, and I really do mean
AS> "very". Even on the same network I only get transfer rates of about
AS> one MB/s or less. Working with larger folders is very difficult that
AS> way.

Actually what I've been doing is using the VPN to connect to my LAN,
then using VNC to remotely control the PC that is running TB!. The only
VPN traffic is the screen redraws at 16 colors!

As long as the office PC and the LAN stay up this has been acceptable
(except on dial-up!).

AS> I'm therefore using Windows Offline Folders to synchronize the
AS> laptops. When detached, they take with them the most recent message
AS> base and when reconnected, they synchronize to the latest updates. If
AS> something important comes up while not connected, the laptop can
AS> always fetch or send new mail by itself and synchronize again later,
AS> of course.

Wouldn't you then end up with 2 identical folders that now cannot be
synced properly? Wouldn't each one now have data the other does not have
so neither can overwrite the other without loss of something?


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