
Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 9:39:25 PM, you wrote:
AD> On 1/3/07, Michael Rudnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
AD> <snip>

>> Regarding my second question, let me give an example. I'm away from my main
>> computer. I plug my flash drive into another computer and download
>> messages. I send a few messages. How do the downloaded messages and my
>> sent messages get back to my main computer?

AD> Voyager is a stand-alone email client.  I got bit by that, too.  It's
AD> not meant to be TB when you're away, it's really a separate mailbase.
AD> So, when I bought TB! to use at work, I just started using Voyager for
AD> my home email.

AD> Don't let the sync options in the menus fool you -- they don't work
AD> (so says Ritlabs support).  Or, they're really not for syncing between
AD> TB! and Voyager, anyway.

Okay, that makes sense. I'll just use it to look at mail in a familiar
interface. It's easy enough to turn off the deleting from the server and I
can send a bcc of my sent messages to myself.

It's a shame there isn't much in the way of documentation. It also would be
nice to have *some* kind of syncing. It's almost, but not quite, ready.

Michael Rudnick                         

Using The Bat! 3.95.6 on Windows 5.1 (2600) Service Pack 2

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