Hi, thanks for replying,

>> i cant tell what is different about the ones where the question
>> marks are caused.

> Different character set?

Whenever i start a new email, its always in plain text micro-ed and
the character set is always latin 9 (ISO). i am using the christams
edition of the bat! pro and windows xp

i've also noticed that theres some emails i recieve from others that
also have the question mark problem. has anyone else noticed this or
had this problem?

>> Not sure if this is related, by some of my Bat! emails are also not
>> making it through. They register as sent in my "sent mail" folder, but
>> do not get make it to where theyre supposed to be going.

> Getting any "unable to deliver" or similar messages in respect of
> the missing mails or they just disappear?

they just dissappear. trying to see what was going on i started
bccing emails to a yahoo account i have. sometimes the email gets to
the yahoo account but not on the list im trying to post to, and i get
no "unable to deliver" email for that.

> Cut mark missing!!!



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