Hello Thomas,

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 08:40:23 +0700 GMT (15/03/2007, 08:40 +0700 GMT),
Thomas Fernandez wrote:

BM>> Unfortunately it has also stopped again for me.  After initially
BM>> working it is back to receiving the message that "system can not find
BM>> the file specified" but Firefox then opens and opens the link as
BM>> requested.  It is an annoying bug.

TF> I can report that I had this error message yesterday with FoxIt when
TF> clicking on a PDF attachment. FoxIt did not open, but when I clicked
TF> the error away and clicked on the file again, it opened without
TF> problems.

TF> This happened only once and is not reproducable, but Firefox was not
TF> involved. I am also still using the Christmas version of TB!. So,
TF> maybe we must look a bit further.

I just had this error when I clicked on the pop: hyperlink provided by
TB! when a "large message" arrived in my Inbox. It got truncated, as I
have set the maximum message length to 100KB. When I see something
might be interesting, I click on that link to download the full
message (a very nice recent addition), and the Dispatcher opened
normally, but this error window appeared nevertheless.

It's not reliably reproducible, but there is something in TB causing
this, not Firefox.



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you've just made a big mistake.

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