Hello MFPA,

On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 23:13:02 +0100 GMT (24/04/2007, 05:13 +0700 GMT),
MFPA wrote:

M> Dunno. I was not aware accented characters were allowed in URLs.

They are now, since sometime last year.

M> I note that if I cut and paste your link into Firefox, when the
M> page loads the "í" in the URL in the address bar becomes "%C3%AD"

Firefox does it correctly, TB doesn't interpret the high-ASCII
characters correctly, if I understand RFC3986 correctly:

M> 2.4.  When to Encode or Decode
M>    [...]
M>    When a URI is dereferenced, the components and subcomponents
M>    significant to the scheme-specific dereferencing process (if any)
M>    must be parsed and separated before the percent-encoded octets
M>    within those components can be safely decoded, as otherwise the
M>    data may be mistaken for component delimiters. The only exception
M>    is for percent-encoded octets corresponding to characters in the
M>    unreserved set, which can be decoded at any time. For For example,
M>    the octet corresponding to the tilde ("~") character is often
M>    encoded as "%7E" by older URI processing implementations; the "%7E"
M>    can be replaced by "~" without changing its interpretation.

So, a URL with umlauts or accents should not be cut off as TB does,
but shown in full. When you click on it, the corresponding decoding
should be used and sent to the browser. If the browser can understand
the encoded URL correctly (i.e. decoding it), there is no work for TB
to be done, just to allow the whole URL to be highlighted, so we can
send it to the browser. I would still prefer TB to do the decoding,
but the first step, not highlighting the whole URL, is a bug IMHO.

I call it a bug, but had a discussion with Vitalie Vrabie on TBBETA
last year, who disagreed. He said that TB is behaving correctly by not
recognising such URLs. That's why there is no BT entry.

I'm copying back to TBBETA for further discussion.



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