Hi all,

I have to say that I was eager to try out V.4 's URL Download Manager
in order to have some well-chosen messages correctly displayed with
The Bat.

I may be missing something here but I can't manage to get it to work.
I'm using TB at work, where I'm behind a proxy, and this may be the
reason why it doesn't work. But let me explain my configuration.

I discovered a couple of years ago that in order to have the version
checker work from behind a proxy a urlmgr.xml file was to be created
in the default mail directory, containing

   <proxy host="proxy_url" port="proxy_port" enabled="true">

[it was a post from Marek]

and apparently it allowed me to check the version file.

This file has never changed since, and now I can see that this file
contains all the URL that I have declared as "allowed" or "blocked",
so I'm quite sure this is the right file.

Unfortunately it is the whole functionality of the Download Manager
which does not convince me since I tried:
* home (no proxy), with proxy disabled in the file
* at work (proxy), with proxy enabled, then disabled in the file

but in no case TB did download the images in the mail.

Is anybody enjoying a working Download Manager? What can I check to
diagnose the problem?

Thanks for the help and time.

Best regards,

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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