Guten Morgen,

SA> 1. Install the new version of The Bat on both the laptop AND the desktop
SA> (are two licenses needed?), but then set up the mail folder on the
SA> desktop as a shared folder so that the laptop's The Bat will point to
SA> folder on the desktop.  Is this possible?

Yes, I've been working like this for years. You can manage the
synchronization part using Window's "Offline Folders". This way, if
you have downloaded mail with the Laptop disconnected, on returning
home you will get a prompt to copy the new files to the desktop or
vice versa. If the desktop version hasn't changed in the meantime the
synchronization will even be fully automatic.

SA> 2.  Install the new version of The Bat on both the laptop AND the
SA> desktop, but also copy all mail from the desktop to the laptop so that
SA> both computers have all mail on their hard drives. Allow either machine
SA> to download e-mail, but set up some sort of automatic synchronization
SA> between the two machines.  Again, is this possible?  If so, how would it
SA> be done?

Well, yes. You could use a program like "Second Copy"
( which could even run automatcally with as
few prompts as possible. However, it would be about the same as the
first option, just with a seperate program instead of Window's
built-in mechanism.

 Alto                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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