Hallo Tom,

On Tue, 20 May 2008 20:22:39 +1000GMT (20-5-2008, 12:22 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

>> Check your address book for multiple entries with their addresses.
T> Both are only listed once but appear in the overall addressbook and
T> the group representing the company.

Check better.
This problem only occurs when you've got multiple address book entries
with that address. In the other entry it doesn't have to be the
primary address. In case you're using multiple address books it's also
bad to have the same address in two (or more) address books.
You mention that the contacts are listed in the group(s) and in the
overall address book. You do realize that one entry can be a member of
multiple groups and that it isn't necessary to have a separate entry
in both groups, do you? And an entry from a group will only be listed
in the overall display when the properties of that group have 'Hide
items if not explicitly selected' unchecked, that is not the default.

I suggest that you uncheck the 'Hide items...' for all address book
groups and that you check the overall listing while it's sorted on
address. That won't find entries with duplicate secondary addresses,
but it'll make it a lot easier to to find duplicate primary addresses.

Groetjes, Roelof

The shortest distance between two Points is a BossNode.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
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