Hi Thomas,

On Friday, August 01, 2008 at 11:19:32 AM you wrote:

MM>> All of a sudden I wasn't getting mail. Discovered that the SMTP port
MM>> setting had changed from 25 to 585. I didn't change it. The same thing
MM>> happened to another TB! user - theirs was a different server than
MM>> mine. Is this The Bat! or is it gremlins?

TF> Gremlins. Definitely. ;-)

I thought so. Thank you so much, Thomas. My technical expertise is 

MM>> Has anyone else had a problem like this? Thanks for insights.

TF> No, gremlins are not allowed in this country.


TF> Seriously though, I am surprised this happens, but then, we are using
TF> Windows. But what bothers me more is that the same thing is confirmed
TF> by another TB! user. Hm. Coincidences on this level don't usually
TF> happen in computing.

Lots of squirrelly things now.

TF> As Henrik pointed out, SMTP is for sending, POP is for retrieving
TF> messages.  Did you have any change in port number for receiving
TF> messages? 
No change in POP, it was 110.

TF> And, what was the error message in the log when you couldn't
TF> download mails?

Well, I just looked at the log which only shows today's activity. I'm 
not exactly sure what it said (yesterday).  Sorry! 

Recently I had to reinstall TB! onto the emergency laptop while my 
Toshiba learns its fate at the hands of the techs. All the settings 
were checked at that time.  

I thought to have seen something about this on the list, but I guess 
not.  Thanks for the smile.  



Emailing with The Bat! 4.0.24

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