am Montag, 15. September 2008 um 22:23 schrieb Jack S. LaRosa:

> I need to send credit card info to a vendor in payment for a part yet
> to be shipped. Is there an easy way to encrypt the info so it can't be
> read if it's intercepted in transit and yet *can* be read by the
> recipient? Or am I worrying about nothing?

I would also worry about sending Credit Card Info in Plain Text ;-)

As you were already told, a fax could be an alternative.

If you both (sender/recipient) have Windows, you might try
Free Portable Encryption/Decryption Software - PicoCrypt
2008/09/19 16:44:19
PicoCrypt - Encryption/Decryption Software (free)
It is a small and extremely fast encryption utility that uses Blowfish
encryption algorithm in CBC mode. It is easy to use and support multiple
files drag-and-drop. In addition, it is portable, you can put it on your
USB memory stick and run it anywhere you go! Very useful for users who
want to keep their document secure on their computer or transfer over
Internet using unsecure channel.
It uses a 128-bits key that is the MD5 message-digest of user password

Or, if you have different Operating Systems, i found some Shareware
CryptoHeaven for Java(tm) Website
Version: 2.2
Size: 1955 KB
Downloads: 55
Price: $29.00
Licence: Shareware

If your Receipient has a PGP/GPG Public Key, you could also encrypt an
Textfile (Attached) which only he can open with his private Key.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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