Hello Privateofcourse,

>> It is not working or it is not usable. (nicht unnütz)
> It is not working!

Oh yes it is working! Or let me put it this way: In the many years that 
I have been using TB I have never seen it fail.

> 1) Sender A sends email to recipient B: Sender A includes a reading
> confirmation request and delivery confirmation request.

Reading confirmation request and delivery confirmation request or two 
different things. RCR is 'targeted' to the recipient and DCR is targeted 
to the mail server where the recipient has his mail account and 
mailbox. Now, my experience along the years is that there are many mail 
servers that simply ignore DCRs, and the recipient can't do anything 
about that.

> 2) Recipient B receives and reads the email from Sender A and, in The
> Bat!, is prompted to allow reading confirmation when highlighting
> another email or deselecting the read email. So recipient B clicks
> okay.

> ...in The Bat!, is prompted to allow reading confirmation

He is prompted, or not, and the confirmation is sent, or not, depending
in the settings in:

  Account->Properties->Templates->Reading confirmation
> ...when highlighting another email or deselecting the read email.

,----- [ As I have written in TBBeta about this issue: ]
| The 'Reading Confirmation Receipt' is sent (or queued to Outbox) when 
| the message is 'marked as READ'.
| Now, when is a message marked as Read? That depends on a couple of 
| configuration options:
| 1.- In Account->Properties->Options
|     - Mark the message as read when it is being read for X Secs
|     - Mark the message as read only when it is open in a separate window
| 2.- In Options/Preferences/Message List
|     - Go to the next unread message with the SmartSpace reading
|       - Mark the current message as read when navigating away from it
| In my case I have none of the four options ticked because I want to 
| decide when I have read each message. So, I use the shortcut 'Ctrl+M'
| (actually 'Space', which I have configured in Customiser).

> 3) Sender, and now recipient, A, does not get a reading confirmation NOR do
> they get a delivery confirmation.

As mentioned above, delivery confirmation depends on the mail server 
ignoring the request, or not.

And in regards to reading confirmation: Was it actually sent, or perhaps
just queued in Outbox or perhaps just ignored? As mentioned above, that
may depend on the settings in:

   Account->Properties->Templates->Reading confirmation 
If the confirmation was actually sent, it should appear in your Sent 
Mail folder unless moved or deleted by some Outgoing filter. And if it 
was actually sent and the recipient (original sender who requested the 
confirmation) didn't receive it... Could it be that he uses some filters 
or Spam scheme that flag it as Spam or perhaps even delete it?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.11

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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