On 30/01/2009 09:37:35, Susanne wrote:

>> My  first  response was to upgrade to the
>> latest version 4.1.11, but I
>> don't know whether your license allows for that.
> I'm not sure if it will. Have to check into it.
> TB has been rolling along smoothly up till now, so
> I haven't checked into the latest updates.
>> When  do  you  get the error, with a specific
>> account, with a specific
>> action?
> I've noticed it related to trying to print a
> message. TB stops responding, and then gives the
> "out of memory' error  whenever I click on
> anything.
>> When  was  the  last  time  you did a full
>> purge and compress for your
>> complete message base?
> I have TB set to purge and compress at shutdown,
> so it's been very recently.

If you've noticed it whilst trying to print a message, I wonder if your
'temp' folder is full of redundant files and needs clearing out.

I had a similar problem earlier this week with another program that was
falling over 'out of memory'. My temp folder was full of 'tmp' files. I'm
guessing that when TB is printing it spools to the temp folder.

Best regards

Using TheBat! version 4.1.9
and AntispamSniper

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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